F. Jak Icoz, MA

Jak completed his bachelor’s level psychology education at Istanbul Bilgi University and Vassar College, receiving his degree from the former. He was trained as a clinical psychologist at the same university. Besides his master’s degree in clinical psychology, he studied international management and management of health care systems at Liverpool University. Currently he continues his doctoral research at Middlesex University – New School of Psychotherapy and Counseling in the field of existential psychotherapies. He is on the faculty at the Clinical Psychology MA Program at Bahçeşehir University. He also teaches classes on existential psychotherapies and group therapy at Istanbul Bilgi University and at Hasan Kalyoncu University in Gaziantep. Jak founded Existential Academy of Istanbul in 2012, and Aletheia Books for publishing in 2014. In 2017, he established the Center for Psychodynamic Therapies with Mia Medina.